It is amazing that it takes us that long to work out that Ultrasound mosquito repellents do not work? Today we are led to believe with cleverly crafted advertising and bogus scientific claims backed up by dubious ‘research’ that these devices really really do repel mosquitos away from a tasty meal!

According to the BBC a Brazilian radio station Band FM went as far as telling its listeners that they would be able to ‘relax in the open air without fear of getting bitten’, as the station broadcasted a high frequency tone!

Luckily Bart Knols, a well known Dutch entomologist and Editor of Malaria World, has debunked the myth with the results from 10 separate field studies which highlight that the devices had “no effect on preventing mosquito bites”.

So if you really want to block out the mosquitos, which can transmit a variety of vector borne diseases from Dengue to Malaria, invest in some fly screen doors and windows!