Professionally Installed Mesh and Clips
Corner Star work with a professional Pest Control company and a fully insured Roofing Business to assist homeowners who have installed an array of Solar Panels, which are being used by feral Pigeons, Starlings or Squirrels as a nest or drey. According to Wikipedia ‘Feral pigeons (Columba livia), also called city doves, city pigeons, or street pigeons, are derived from domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild.’

Corner Star have now managed a number of successful installations in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Middlesex and Surrey, where we are contacted about Solar Panel Protection from Feral birds or Squirrels. Mr Maunder from Surrey said “We had several families of pigeons nesting under our solar panels. Although they were a nice addition to the garden, unfortunately they were rather loud and they made a lot of mess on our patio. After giving the pigeons some time to fly their nests, Jon and Dave from Corner Star installed a meshing system around the perimeter of the panels, which prevents the pigeons from getting back underneath. The pigeons are now gone, and it’s great to have a clean patio again!”
Pigeons are particularly fond of roof spaces. These often contain water tanks and Solar Panels. Any water tank, cistern or solar panel on a roof must therefore be secured and sealed off to keep the pigeons out of them. The popularity of a nesting area does not seem to be affected by the pigeons population density.
On undamaged property, the gutters, window air conditioners and empty air conditioner containers, chimney pots and external ledges are used as nesting sites. Many building owners try to limit roosting by using bird control spikes and netting to cover ledges and potential nesting places on buildings. This has little effect on the size of the pigeon population, but it can reduce the accumulation of droppings on and around a particular building location.
Our recently developed and successful method of Solar Panel Protection can be completed in 2 simple steps,
First we identify the problem and Second we develop a solution!
In a recent installation on a roof in Middlesex, our Pest Control Expert Dave Kirby of Old Bills Pest Control, recommended that we set traps for the Squirrels and try to clear them off the property before the Solar Panel Protection solution was installed, their removal may take anywhere from a week to a month. However, once the site is clear Dave will start work with the Roofer on clearing the site of any nesting materials and start the task of attaching the Corner Star Clips and Mesh to the Solar Panels, thus preventing Feral Birds, Squirrels and other Pests from Nesting or taking refuge under the solar Panels.
If you require a quote for our tie clips and mesh and the services of our Pest Controller and Roofer then please Contact Us through the form below or call us on +44 7851 296165. Please note that the installation of any solution on a roof should be completed by a certified, qualified and insured contractor. Corner Star can only sell to individuals or companies who will be using a certified, qualified and insured contractor to complete their installation.
Please note, Corner Star have a minimum order policy of 30 units, we do not supply samples and units are only refundable if broken or damaged in transport.
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